About the Program

The Seminole Nation is an Indian Princess program operated by volunteer fathers from Parkland & Coral Springs, Florida drawing fathers and daughters from many of North Broward and Southern Palm Beach's surrounding cities.

The Indian Princess program is different from scouting, sports teams, and many other activities because it is specifically intended to be a parent AND child organization. Our members join the program specifically because father and daughter want to spend more time together. This program provides a wealth of opportunities and settings you are unlikely to find otherwise.

From a parent's perspective this program gives you, as a father, the chance to bond with your child on many levels. The idea is to "form bonds that last a lifetime" -- so that when your children enter the turbulent middle school and high school years you have built a strong relationship and many positive memories. They have also learned how to have fun with their peers, in good ways. And, particularly important for the girls, they have developed a strong sense of accomplishment and self worth, and are able and willing to speak up for themselves.

From a daughter's perspective there is an opportunity to have a wide circle of friends, to get a sense of identity and belonging that is rare in today's world of small families. It is like having a dozen sisters and uncles to trust and rely on. The older girls take on leadership roles, helping and teaching the younger ones.

In addition to forming strong parent/child relationships, the program also provides opportunities:

  • To see things and do things you otherwise might not: camping in the Everglades, Canoeing a wild and scenic river, Horseback riding around Sunset Lake, sifting for fossil teeth of giant whale sharks.....

  • To meet other parents and children and make lasting friendships. To join in a large circle of friends you have much in common with and will enjoy sharing with (parents as much as kids)

  • To learn more about where you live -- to see the big and little places that make Florida special, from Lake Wales to Arcadia, Yumatilla, Fruitland Park, Fish Eating Creek, and many more.

  • To learn about Native American culture and the environment around us, up-close and personal, in ways that no book or film could ever match. After you have joined with your children in the spiral dance at the State Pow-Wow, or lain on your back on the dock of the Swamp Safari at midnight while the stars wheel overhead and the alligators glide below, you will have a personal appreciation for what that means.

For more information about the Seminole Nation please go to www.seminolenation.org